How to be the best student you can be

To all my Nigerian youths, students and aspiring fellas out there. You need yo understand that nothing good comes easy, success doesn't come by chance or luck has gamblers and betters believe, success comes by taking calculated steps as you prepare for the future with faith.

I am here this day to pass on this usable tips to you, I found it out many years back in a newspaper publication, and it worked for me, it can work for you too.

6 straightforward tips to be the best student you can ever be

 1.Focus on your study

 As a student, your first and most important business is your studies, not partying with friends or others distractions. It is very important that your entire focus be on your studies; avoid distractions, especially in class during lectures. 

2. Consider yourself fortunate 

The very fact that you are blessed to be in school to receive a proper education While many of your age mates are roaming the streets, living under the bridge or begging on the roadside should be a Strong motivation for you to take your studies seriously.

You should always know that you as an educated person would turn out to be better than somebody Who is not learned. 

Make friends With academically good students in your school, Try becoming friends With students Who perform Well in tests and exams.

Some of them Who are in higher classes would also make useful companions as they Will help you with old lecture notes and past questions.

3. Draw up a reading time table 

You should have a daily study timetable to guide you but you must follow it through.

 The subjects that are coming the following day should feature in the reading slots for that day this enables you to read ahead of the lecture and also increases your understanding and assimilation of the subject.

4. Do your assignments in a quiet environment

At home, study and do your assignments in a place that doesn't make you sleep, it is advisable to have a dedicated study table or desk, don't do your assignments on the bed or in front of the TV. If you feel distracted, take a short break of 15 minutes or less; maybe try to read an unrelated story book. But don't stick to the book once the time limits is over.

5. Get Enough sleep

Try getting a good sleep. You are supposed to get 8 - 10 hours of sleep per day. If you don't get enough sleep, that will result in sleepy studying and nothing will get inside your head.

6. Unwind

Don't study or read under dim light. If you become bored on learning one subject, study something else that interests you a lot. You must always find alternatives as you go. Studying all night and not playing just stresses you on work and you might forget everything the next morning. Play out for about 2 hours or so. It will be pleasant if you go out to play around in the evening, say 5pm. This ever gives you extra strength for everything you do.

Source: Sunday Punch, October, 2010, pg. 55