Why you should take enough water daily

Water is one of the most essential elements for a healthy life. it is so essential that the body actually has a drought management system in place to prevent dehydration and ensure survival.

Why you should take enough water daily

More than two-thirds of the human body weight is made up of water. The human brain is composed of more than 90% water, the human blood, 82% and the lungs, 90%. A mere 2% drop in the body's water supply can trigger signs of dehydration:

fuzzy short-term memory, dizziness, headache, tiredness, decreased urine output and dry skin.

The importance of water to the mechanics of the human body cannot be overemphasized. It serves as a lubricant in digestion and almost all other body processes.

The water in our saliva helps facilitate chewing and swallowing, ensuring that food slides easily down the esophagus. It also lubricates our joints and cartilages, and allows them to move more freely.

The body cells and organs depend on water for their functioning. Without water, living things, including humans, will die in a few days. The human body does not have the ability to replenish itself with water when dehydrated that is, when there is a harmful reduction in the amount of water in the body.
Many people walk around dehydrated most of the time, unknowingly. This is because thirst is a poor indicator of dehydration. Some people drink beverages instead of water when thirsty. This is wrong.

A cold soda may feel nice when you drink it, for instance, but it doesn't actually replenish the body.

Beverages with caffeine are not meant to hydrate either. Water is the best remedy for dehydration.

Drinking water often helps to maintain a healthy balance. Mild dehydration can decrease one's energy level and mental functioning and increase stress on the body, while severe dehydration can have far more damaging effects.
To prevent dehydration, drink at least eight glasses of water everyday as an adult.

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