How to start fruit Salad business in Nigeria

Nigeria is one of the countries producing the most graduates in the world but unfortunately less than 10 % get absorbed into the workplace after they graduate. This is due to intense competition and scarcity of job. Well, for graduates who want to try their hands on something, I have a business for you.

You may not see it has something big or worth trying but i have to tell you that it's got lot of potentials in it if you can try it faithfully and Effort-fully.

The business I'll be sharing is Fruit Salad Selling Business. I used to know a female graduate few years back who will neatly package varieties of sliced fruits in food packs and sells to people at workplace and other places every morning for N200 per pack. I was opportuned to talk to her a few question about the business.
She told me the business is very profitable and that she makes up to N30, 000 to N40, 000 every day as she already have some companies she supplies on  daily basis. She further explained how she used to follow her mum to a particular village market to get the fruits in their selections and bring it home to preserve it in freezer her uncle bought for her to support her startup,she said she quit looking for job and the whole of her aspirations is to build a brand out of her fruit salad business.

Fruit salad undoubtedly is in high demand especially in urban areas, but there are several factors you need to put into consideration as you embark on the business.

How to start fruit Salad business in Nigeria

1. Health and Safety regulations

The biggest risk associated to this business is health and safety related, check if need be for you to bring on a food scientist or secure some license, but what matter is that let your customers knows that you take their health and safety as prioprity and you implore hygienic practises while processing the fruits

2. How to get steady supply of your fruits

Another thing of great concern is steady supply of fresh fruits, with time as your demand increase it is important for you to have a steady suppliers of these fruits, so you don't run out of need or disappoint your customers.

3. Know your customers

It is important for you to be familiar with the market, and know how to reach your customers, the line between you and street hawkers is getting familiar with your customers, build a network with companies that can order for supplies, this will reduce your stress and time taken to sell your fruits.

4. Keep strong records

There are several entrepreneur out there that thinks that their business is too small to keep record, you don't want to be like that, it is very important to keep records of your expenses, earnings, revenues , this will help you benchmark the performance of your business.

5. Be hospitable 

You must wear a good smile whenever you're meeting your customers, appear as neat and moderately corporate as possible, build rapport and be welcoming, however, be principled and be strictly business.

Other important things to mind include:

Avoid selling to customers on credit, if you do today, you will sure do every other day, be firm not to sell credits.

Think Big, Think Ahead; where do you imagine your business in the next five years?

Be professional about it and have a mind to develop and expand your horizon.

Do a lot of trial and error and accept feedback from friends, families and customers.

Be innovative and do lots of research.

Be Spiritually fit.
Believe in yourself, take on your challenges, dig deep within yourself to conquer fears. Never let anyone bring you down. You got to keep going. Chantal Sutherland

I wish you Goodluck in your new business.

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