How to manage stress Effectively

How to manage stress Effectively-Stress is part of everyday life, but while moderate stress boosts the immune system and improves the activities of the heart, much or chronic stress is inimical to our general wellbeing because it makes the body susceptible to a variety of illnesses and worsens the existing health condition. 

Studies have shown that it can increase the heart rate and the flow of blood, and when this happens, cholesterol and triglycerides are released into the blood stream, increasing the possibility of you having stroke, heart disease, high blood pressure and obesity. 

Stress can worsen an asthmatic or diabetic condition and cause depression, anxiety, migraines, accelerated aging, and premature death among others. Stress is a silent killer when not properly managed. 

To manage stress, you must determine whether your stress is moderate or chronic. For chronic stress, watch out for the following symptoms: 

lack of concentration, memory loss,forgetfulness, back neck pain, constant headaches, weight gain, stomach problem, and insomnia. 

Manage your stress by determining the stressors around you, the things or people stressing you up. If you can avoid them, do so, but if you can't, accept and adapt to the situation. 
How to manage stress Effectively
Get rest from time to time and deliberately look away from all the things begging for your attention. Take out time to exercise, for according to researchers. exercise teaches the brain stress resilience. 

Also, take out time to hang out with friends and family. Sometimes, good company is a good medicine for stress. Socializing with like-minded friends or people keeps your mind off issues that bother you and frees you of emotional stress. 

Finally, ensure you eat proper diet and avoid worry and anxiety. The Bible counsels, "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God" (Philippians 4: 6)

Source: A christian magazine

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