How to make Eba

How to make Eba- Eba is a starchy Nigerian staple food that is made of cassava and eaten througout the country but originated and common to Yorubas and Igbos. Eba is made with cassaca flakes (garri). The food is loved  being a classic food that it supplies enough carbohydrate and it is easy and fast to prepare.

How to Prepare Eba

Ingredients Needed

-Clean, potable Water
-Cassava flakes ( Garri)

Steps to Prepare

How to make Eba

1. Get your potable water to boil at 100 degree centigrade using your stove, burner or boiler ring.
2. After water boils, transfer the boil water immediately into a clean kitchen bowl
3. As fast as possbile before water starts cooling off, you need to start pouring your garri into the water  in circulating manner ( the garri should not stick on a side of the water like a hill ) then cover up for 5 to10 seconds.
4. The next thing is to bring out your stiring rod to stir the portion until you have you got a finley mild  texture in your desired consistency.
Eba is best served with Efo Riro, Egusi, Ogbono, bitter leave soup and other soups you like.

Note: Cassava flakes when they come in contact with hot water swells up and increase in quantity, so be  Sure to only prepare the quantity you will finish.


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