How to circumcise your baby boy

How to Circumcise a baby Boy- Circumcision is safe if done by expertise of a healthcare provider, the only thing that makes male circumcision unsafe is if it's done in a sterile way.
Many allow family and friends to confuse them to get their baby's circumcision done with religious, traditional or herbalist leaders, but little do they know that these leaders may lack the training and expertise to properly handle the circumcision.

If you look back to the topic of these article it reads "How to circumcise a baby Boy" we were particular about baby boy and NOT baby girl, healthcare researchers has made it known that it is never safe to circumcise a girl ant any particular age as such circumcisions usually comes will lifetime complications.

So going back to the main issue, to circumcise your baby boy, be sure to only do it in a hospital and clinic where they have all the necessarily clean equipments and experience to get your boy circumcised  as quick as possible and also make him protected from germs and infections after the circumcision.

In the clinic, he will also be given some medications to soothe the pain and make him comfortable until  circumcision heals.

How to help your circumcised boy heal as quick as possible 

Usually, your baby's penis is going to be wrapped with a bandage after the circumcision but it is expected that the bandage should fall off itself within 48 hours, perhaps it doesn't, you need to immerse the penis in a warm water and carefully remove the bandage. Henceforth you need to apply some antiseptics ( if given you by your medical practitioner), if none is given use petroleum jelly instead.

It is normal to see some blood on his diapers immediately after removing the bandages, all you just need to be sure of his to keep his nappy clean at all times and change the nappy or diapers as soon as it gets wet to avoid germs or infections, also let him take a break from diapers or nappies so he can catch some fresh air to help the penis area to dry quickly.

His penis should be washed daily with safe, clean water and mild soap three times every day. Administer his pain relievers as prescribeed to you by your doctor so as to numb his pains and be sure to breastfeed  your baby boy to keep him comfortable.
Your boy's circumcision should heal in 7 to 14 days, in a situation the penis is swollen or the penis head is red or bleeding, then take him to your healthcare provider.

NOTE: Baby Girls should NEVER be circumcised at any age for any reason, NEVER!
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